Mississippi AER 2022 Virtual Conference

Mississippi AER Chapter logoMississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services logoAER logo
Bridging Gaps: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor
2022 Fall Virtual Conference
October 27 & 28, 2022

Conference Learning Objectives:
  • Increase awareness in emerging areas of the field of Visual Impairment.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of current and trending areas of technology.
  • Increase awareness of available resources and tools.
  • Identify strategies to overcome negative perceptions and biases with regard to Visual Impairment.
Target Audience:
Parents, Students with Visual Impairments, Counselors, Special Educators (Transition Coordinators, Paraprofessionals, Teachers), Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Orientation and Mobility Specialists, Certified Low Vision Therapists, School Administrators, Veterans, Employers, Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialists, Social Workers, Visual Impairment Services Team Coordinators, and Advocates

This Conference has been approved as a Continuing Education Learning Event (12 hours) for the following professions: ACVREP, AOTA, CRCC, and MS Educators.

For credit of any kind, registrants are expected to attend every session. Please see the Continuing Education Information on the last page of the Program for additional directions on receiving continuing education credit for your attendance at this Conference.